A case of acid reflux (heartburn) every now and then isn’t uncommon, but some individuals have a searing sensation, bloating, and a tendency to burp practically every time they eat. Approximately 20% of the population suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a chronic acid reflux disorder identified by a doctor.
The esophageal sphincter (a muscular tube that allows food to flow into the stomach and then cinches shut to prevent it from going back up) normally shields the esophagus from stomach acid. However, if the sphincter relaxes, food may push upward through the widened aperture, resulting in acid reflux.
“Diet is the first line of treatment for people with GERD and has a critical impact in managing acid reflux symptoms,” says Johns Hopkins Medicine gastroenterologist Ekta Gupta, M.B.B.S., M.D.
Heartburn-Producing Foods
According to Gupta, foods that are well recognized to be heartburn triggers cause the esophageal sphincter to relax and delay the digestion process, allowing food to remain in the stomach for longer. Who are the worst offenders? Foods heavy in fat, salt, or spice, such as:
Food that is fried
Quick service restaurants
· Pizza
· Snacks such as potato chips and other processed foods
· Chili powder with black pepper (white, black, cayenne)
· Bacon and sausage are examples of fatty meats.
· Cheese
Other foods that might cause the same issue are:
· Sauces made from tomatoes
· Fruits with citrus peel
· Chocolate
· Peppermint
· Carbonated beverages
“Moderation is essential since many individuals may not be able or want to fully remove certain meals,” Gupta explains. However, try to avoid eating issue foods late in the evening, closer to bedtime, so they don’t remain in your stomach and then come up your esophagus as you sleep. It’s also a good idea to consume smaller, more frequent meals rather than larger, heavier ones, and to avoid late-night dinners and sleep snacks.
Acid Reflux-Reducing Foods
The good news is that there are several foods that may help avoid acid reflux. Stock your pantry with goods from the following three categories:
Foods high in fiber
Fibrous meals help you feel full, which reduces your chances of overeating, which may lead to heartburn. So, fill up on fiber-rich meals like these:
· Oatmeal, couscous, and brown rice are examples of whole grains.
· Sweet potatoes, carrots, and beets are examples of root vegetables.
· Asparagus, broccoli, and green beans are examples of green veggies.
alkaline-forming foods
Foods have a pH value somewhere on the spectrum (an indicator of acid levels). Those with a low pH are acidic and more prone to causing reflux. Those with a higher pH are alkaline and may help balance out strong stomach acid. Foods that are alkaline include:
· Banana
· Melons
· Cauliflower
· Fennel
· Nuts
Powerfulsupplement that helps maintain and restore a healthy gut and digestion.
Foods that are watery
Eating meals high in water might dilute and decrease gastric acid. Choose meals like:
· Celery
· Cucumber
· Lettuce
· Watermelon
· Soups made with broth
· Tea with herbs
Home Remedies for Heartburn
Antacids are over-the-counter drugs that neutralize stomach acid and are often used by those suffering from heartburn. However, some meals may provide relief from symptoms. Consider the following options:
Is milk good for heartburn? “Milk is often regarded as helping with heartburn,” Gupta explains. However, bear in mind that milk comes in many forms, including whole milk with all of the fat, 2 percent fat, and skim or nonfat milk. Acid reflux might be caused by milk fat content. Nonfat milk, on the other hand, may function as a temporary buffer between the stomach lining and acidic stomach contents, providing rapid relief from heartburn symptoms. Low-fat yogurt has the same soothing properties as full-fat yogurt and has a healthy dosage of probiotics (good bacteria that enhance digestion).
Because of its therapeutic characteristics, ginger is one of the finest digestive aids. It has an alkaline pH and is anti-inflammatory, so it soothes gastric inflammation. When you sense heartburn coming on, try drinking ginger tea.
ACV (apple cider vinegar)
While there hasn’t been enough evidence to confirm that drinking apple cider vinegar helps with acid reflux, many individuals swear by it. However, you should never consume it whole since it contains a powerful acid that might irritate the esophagus. Instead, mix a tiny quantity with warm water and drink it with your meals.
Water with lemon.
Although lemon juice is very acidic, a tiny quantity of lemon juice combined with warm water and honey has an alkalizing effect that neutralizes stomach acid. Honey also contains natural antioxidants that preserve the health of cells.
How Can a Doctor Assist?
Consult a doctor if you get heartburn two or more times per week and modifications to your diet or eating routine haven’t helped. A gastroenterologist (a specialist who specializes in the digestive system) may run tests to determine the acidity in your stomach and whether or not regular acid reflux has caused damage to your esophagus.
GERD is often curable with a combination of lifestyle modifications and medication. However, chronic reflux symptoms need a complete assessment by a gastroenterologist who can determine the underlying cause and discuss treatment options.